Thursday, March 31, 2016

WELCOME!! I have decided to share what I call my journey into the abyss of my thoughts

Welcome! I have decided to share what I call my journey into the abyss of my thoughts – which as implied do run deep after my years as a death investigator… there will be personal notes as well because I just can’t resist talking about my emotional support pups, as well as some of the personal tragedy that has helped twist and scar my mind.  My journey was not easy and was in fact, very emotionally difficult.  Prepare yourself for some emotional side notes mixed in with the facts of the job. With this blog as well as my website I hope to educate anyone with questions, and provide a factual journey for writers researching a scene or character in their work.  If you are a writer please be sure to visit my website noted above!! I will not try to write your characters or scenes, but strive to help YOU make them as realistic as you choose!  If you are someone hoping for help to understand an autopsy report or a loved one’s death, use the “contact me” or my email and I will do my best to assist you! 

Again, this is my “personal blog”. For death scene facts and descriptions, click this link

To start out I am going to repost some previous entries written while I was deep in my work because they show the depth of what I was dealing with at that time as well as gives insight to ME.  

READY? Here we go….

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